Jan GaareIRONGLOVE in STOCK *****After being sold out for several sizes we now have filled up the stock, so that more BLASTHEROES can try out our great Ergonomis gloves...
Jan GaareORIGIN in STOCK "ready to ship"We have filled up the storage with our wonderful Blastsafe ORIGIN, the only helmet for abrasive blasting with fully integrated earmuffs...
Jan GaareUpdated Price lists!Hope all had a nice summer. To get the latest updated pricelists for Blastsafe products, please download from "Distributors area"
Jan GaareWishing all Blastheroes a great summer!We will eventually take some time of at BLASTSAFE head quarter, but first we will work hard to ship all standing orders. Hope all...
Jan GaareNEW distributor for Blastsafe products in FRANCE!We are happy to welcome "FEA International" as our first distributor in FRANCE.
Jan Gaare1000 followers at Instagram :-)Maybe not so thrilling for others, but for us this is a GREAT achievement. We are also still looking for Distributors in several...