Jan GaareNEW suit in development!To meet several BLASTHEROES demand for a light and low budget suit, we have developed a new Blastsafe model. The name is "GOBI", and this...
Jan GaareSKYWALKER has landedAfter a long wait we eventually and proudly can announce that out specialized boot for Abrasive blasting, Blastsafe SKYWALKER is in...
Jan GaareUPGRADE for Blastsafe BASEWe are happy to inform that we have upgraded our Blastsafe BASE suit. Main difference is extra wear patches on knees and elbows. BASE...
Jan GaareBlastsafe STOCKWe are happy to tell that we have a warehouse full of Helmets, Suits and Gloves ready to ship (all sizes). Also eventually the Boots are...